Celtic Paganism | 
Gods and goddesses of BritainSources- archeology
- physical evidence of sacred places
- Celts of Gaulish Continent
- -->post-conquest period of Gaul
- ethnography
- see through eyes of alian culture
- genre -- generic approach to ethnography
- language
- traditional literature of Early Ireland
- preserves a lot of mythic / mythological material
- must sift out info see in other sources
Traditional literature of early Wales- Welsh
- medieval rem. of British Celts
- responsible for carving Uffington horse
- Nodons site -- silver/brass arm
- by ME -- confined to area of Wales
- continuted to preserve tradition
- medaeval W. and I. sprung from same Celtic stock
- descend. from common ancester
- expect kindred Celtic themes
- desc. of amt.
- related to seen in Irish lit
- past as known
- Mabinogi
- faux plural -- scribal error
- now 4 branches
- Mabinogion
- Culh. and Olwen
- Native tales
- 2 dream
- Arthur tales
- Taliesen -- Gw. Bach
- Mabinogi -- word debated
- hamp. -- mabon -- collection of material relating to god Maponos
- collective suffex
- Gaulish name of Apollo
- Interpretation of material
- related to each other
- myth elements vs. medieval tales as examples
- ways of looking at these tales
- 19th c. -- Matthew Arnold
- arthor / redactor of these tales
- assuming traditional material
- had to choose a version
- assumed single author responsible for final version of 4 tales
- some scholars starting to think more than one author
- others say written by a woman -- children and babies
- 'pillaging an antiquity'
- didn't really udnerstand meaning of storeis
- stitched together
- therefore botched
- allows scholars to reconstruct and reorder
- But they were closer to the material than we are and probably knew better
- so given that narrative did make sense to audience of M.A. and our problem due to distance in time and space from producing cultures
- Pwyll /pu-/-/ voiceless l
- tl
- Llan -- Christian sanctuary
- Floyd < Lloyd
- Rhiannon
- most obs. agree
- story has 2 parts clumbsily put togetehr
- 1. Meeting of P. and Arawn, King of Annufen
- resolving diffic. and reconcil.
- 2. Marriage of P. and R.
- birth / loss of son Pryderi
- Pryderi's eventual restoration
- Annufen = inside world -- underworld
- p. 35 P. has decided to go hunting
- sets out at night
- why night?
- Caesar -- all dec. < Dis Pater
- recon. time from dark half
- Welsh fortnight is 15 nights
- next day as hunting, hear cry of other pack of hounds
- convergence of 2 realms
- P. spots clearing in wood
- sees stag in middle
- "toward middle of clearing ..."
- clearing in wood
- mediolanum
- Welsh text -- perfedd y llanerch
- dead center of clearing
- < medio-
- stag right in middle of clearing at point where OW intersects MW
- P. does stupid
- drives other dogs off so his dogs can feast
- ideal of rightful kingship -- fír flatha
- Lebor G. -- imp. part of cosmog.
- establishment of social order
- Fír Bolg
- Tryptic of Wasting Sickness
- heroic Inst.
- perfection of OW mirrored in ideal IReland
- steps to make
- P. not yet married at this state
- cf. Eoch. w/ Étain -- not married
- P. far from perf. at this point
- Pwyll = sense, wisdom, discretion
- but he does not yet have it
- Will let P. atone by doing favor for him
- p. 38 "Here is how you shall make it up"
- P. to OW where perf. for year and no one know dif.
- What do with his? A. takes P's palce.
- Why can't A. rid H. himself?
- another instance of incomp. -- OW needing human itnervention
- P. does this
- has to guide P.
- lost -- neither here nor there -- liminal state
- A. acts as guide
- Not desc. like Loeg, but still -- place of perfection
- P. dispatches Haf.
- Meet in same place -- take back own shapes
- P. asks men how things hav been
- gov. never better
- he never more generous (fír flatha)
- A. in secular world and perfected kingship
- cf. F.B. in LG -- perf. inst of kingship
- Ó C -- OW true source of sover., perf. kingship
- When A. gets back
- P. remained chaste
- imp. motif
- From that time, great friendship between
- traded valuable goods and treasures
- evidence -- deposited votive, wells / shafts, expect good back
- hear about 1 s. in 4th branch.
- designation Pen d. Dyfed -- fell out of use
- -->Pwyll Pen Annwfn from then on
- pen = head
- locus for mortal / OW meeting
- forest clearing
- center -- sacred and profane conversge
- from this spot
- OW est. M. to par.
- OW spends time in RW perfecting
- mortal able to accomplish what OW could not
- MW enjoys fruits of friendship
- Part 2 -- section deals with winning favors of equine sov. goddess
- cf. Macha
- Epona
- widely-known divinity
- even daopted by Roman cavelry units
- Ep -
- equ -- L. equuis, G. hippo
- on
- -a
- Divine Mare
- Roman Cavelry units adopted
- also by those connected with stables of horses and asses
- Epona as horse mare could mate with he-ass ==>mule = highly desirable
- docile, carry lots of weight
- twinnned with Mars -- IS times in Gaulish Ma.
- Mars = Mulus - mule
- Anne Ross -- Pagan Celtic Britain
- 1 dedication in plural form
- cf. Lugobus
- Eponabus -- the Eponas
- mounted astride horse
- between horse and foal
- birds/dogs/foals/cornucopia
- also associated with Rhiannon in Mabino.
- nicknames
- Epona Regina
- Rhiannon < early form = divine queen
- Ev. Rh. is literary reflex of Gaulish Epona
- W. version of goddess of sov. with equine assoc.
- 2nd branch -- expression of pagan
- how/what conditions chieftan achieved h. with sov. goddess to ensure fertility and good reign.
- P. -->pen Anuwfn
- The man in A. place how he called
- proceed to top of mound
- cf. hilltop, fort site, oppidum, relig site, in part rel site
- Ireland -- sacred sites on hilltops
- mound marking a tumulus
- something always happens when on mound
- gor-sedd = super seat = tumulus
- throne biship sits on
- sedd ~ Irish sídh
- Rhiannon on horse
- slow amble
- fastest horses can't catch
- 2-page episode in text
- What does narrator pay attention to?
- important
- cf. Pangs of Ulster -- couldn't catch Macha
- narratives emph. horsiness of individual in question
- P. & Rh. married
- after period of time -- no child, want him to pick another wife
- P. wants more time
- she has children
- night of birth -- child disapp. while att. sleeping
- Rh. accused -- remain @ horse block and carry them.
- neighbor
- Ternon -- Divine Lord
- mare about to foal
- every May eve
- mysteriously disappears
- mare inside -- cleaw reaches in
- T. chops off -- runs out to find creature
- when goes back -- mare/foal/Rh's son
- he and wife pretend it's theirs
- raise -- restore to Rh.
- sent to fosterage
- Rh. equated w/ Epona
- bag of plenty
- 2nd -- magical birds -- brids of Rh.
- identified with dogs -- where give birth -- bitch
- women killed puppy and smeared bllod on here
- child equated in text as dog
- compelled to behave like horse
- carry people like a horse
- What is the myth?
- p. 204, SB
- Fertility -- big issue in 1st branch
- Pwyll and Teirnon -- doubles of one another
- Straus methodology
- both have char. of infertility
- P. chaste in OW
- accused of no child with RH.
- T. never had children
- both have productive female
- offspring of which failed to protect
- Rhiannon = mare
- "I know her to have children"
- both have offspring whose guard. failed to procure
- birth at same time
- T. during period of rearing
- Rh. loses noble status
- shadow of former self
- div. queen / horse -- dissolved
- Wife of T. -- pretend mother
- equine sovereignty goddess
- in order to ensure fertility
- anthrop. self provides offspring /air
- two aspects produce foals
- divided -- divine nature ineff.
- When twin natures give birth simul. then fertility guaranteed
- cf. Conc. and birth of CC
- 3 vers. -- not 1 way, all 3
- 1st parent of P.
- only after A. perf. then Rh. like mare
- 2nd -- fertility achieved in Dyf.
- following co. of Rh. makes poss. fertility of man and beast
- myth of sovereignty, esp. fem. equ. nature
- "I know has children" -- where are they?
Branwyn- MacCana -- B. A Study of the Irish Affinities
- book -- homage pie tas to W.J. Griffith
- Math son of Myth.
- pt. of approach: can understand B. ref. to Irish tales.
- Ford
- if they look a lot like early Irish tales, from same cloth
- SB -- Study of Celtic Aff.
- Children of Llyr -- sea
- Manawydan son of Llyr -- not those characteristics
- Man. mac Lir -- clearly a sea god
- 4th branch -- children of Dôn
- principle characters
- Llyr = Penar.
- Penar. = Aros.
- Nesian -- peaceful
- Ethnesian -- troublemaker
- SB -- Ben. & Br. ad doublets of a sort
- Bran-wen -- holy Bran
- Bendigeid-fran -- blessed Bran
- bendigeid -- benedictus
- fran -- Bran
- Bran ~ Badb -- crow/raven warrior god/goddess
- Br. called in Mabinogi p. 60
- "She, Br., one of 3 chief ancestresses ... "
- but only had 1 kid and he tossed in fire
- rianu -- not parents/ancesters
- but cognate righan -- queen
- she is one of 3 chief queens of Island
- if she is 3 queens and pretty much same name (br/si)
- -->1 of trio of war goddesses
- cf. 3 Morrígan Badb/Nem./Macha
- Nesian -- peace
- E. -- strife
- Isle of the Mighty -- Ynus y Codthwyr
- story of strife, warriors, mil. might
- strife begins early
- B. bride of Math., King of Ireland, enrages, disfig horses of M.
- dishonored -- so depart -->Bendig. loss of hnor as well
- situation saved -- Bend. sends emm. for full restoration and bonus
- p. 63, "I will make your compensation complete" -- cauldron
- earlier scholars -- Interpretation, long digression -- but the. closely linked
- Mathow. to Bend. -- How come by cauld.?
- Ll Ll -- escaped from iron house
- long account about cauldron and whense came
- cf. SB art
- Lake of Cauldron
- 2 people coming from lake
- huge man and wife, she twice his size
- fr & month -- conceive. fr & mouth -->fully armed warriors
- trememdous fertility
- her name = distended with battle
- conceives on regular basis
- motif of battle/strife
- takes them in for a year
- then pain -- must be ridded
- escape to Isle of Mighty -- throwing everywhere
- cf. Cattle raid of C. -- Galluoir
- divide amongh other 17 so no threat.
- These, if all together
- build iron chamber, put them in these and heat up