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Celtic Paganism | ![Invisible spacer images for visual layout only](/images/dot.gif)
Aed Abrat /t/ /avrad/- Oengus
- Fand = Manannán
- Lí Ban = Labraid
The Wasting sickness of Cú Chulaind- Starts with a look back at Ireland's past to the heroic age
- assembly -- 3 days before Samhain and 3 days after
- not at Emain Macha but Mag Morthemna -- CC land
- reason -- give each warrior the chance to boast valor and exhibit triumphs
- triumphs often accomplished in guarding borders -- defense of borders
- exhibiting tongues of slain warriors
- some threw in cattle tongues as well
- skeptical redacter
- cow's tongues a lot bigger
- spoke with swords on thighs which turned against any who swore falsely
- raids
- drive off cows
- carry off women
- legal tender ties
- 2nd Battle of Moyturra
- ¶162 -- sword of Tethra, told what done by it
- sword worship
- TDD -- 4 treasures, spear / sword
- delayed
- Conall and Fergus nottyet arrived
- amuse themselves in the meantime
- flock of brids settle on lake
- p. 156, curious CC reaction
- cause of 3rd blemish
- Conall -- crooked neck
- Cúscraid -- stammar
- Cú C -- blind in one eye
- birds -- for all but for wife
- p. 157 -- 2 OW birds
- cause host to sleep
- missed for 1st time
- Goes to sleep
- 2 women approach, smile, and beat him with a horsewhip and then leave
- Fergus perceives it's a vision
- cf. post divination -- mantic sleep while others watch
- CC awakens
- vision whipping has real effects
- end of year
- Conall in picture now
- Lugaid Réoderg
- While gathered t.g.
- Oengus turns up
- invites CC to come to his land (OW)
- if comes, favors of Fand, Manannán's (sea god) estranged wife
- Conchub. advises CC to go back to same stone
- Lí Ban (color white) wife of Labraid /b/ /th/ Lúathlám ar Cladeb (swift hand on a sword)
- if CC fights vs. L's enemies, will get Lí Ban
- Mag Mell
- chieftly inhabited by women
- Do not leave Lóeg except under a woman's protection
- Continued emphases on women occup. this spot
- Left-out protion
- p. 162 -- back up a bit
- p. 163 -- poem to strengthen CC.
- p. 164 -- bottom poem
- important to meaning of story
- description of ideal Ireland under ideal kingship
- human counterpoint to Loeg's OW description
- OW is source of rightful kingship
- model for all that's good
- p. 166 -- CC won't go on a woman's invitation so sends Lóeg instead
- p. 167-170 -- CC healed by recitation of glories of OW
- came to mound, on mound sm. Lab.
- p. 168 -- 3 special trees
- gentle flock of birds
- transf. of women
- a well
- So CC goes off to Mag Mell, aids M., and then sleeps with Fand and returns to own land, instr. for FAnd to join him.
- other women consp. to kill Fand
- p. 174 -- in e. Ireland, multiple wives
- MML comes to save Fand
- druids charm CC -- drink of forgetfulness
- bird motif familiar
- vision/action in liminal zone
- called to assembly but assembly not begun
- liminal time
- samhain -- in between part of year
- Why women come in friendship and horsewhip?
- horse important with whip?
- treating CC like horse
- injuring so can promise to heal him for favor
- Handout
- p. 162 is where is occurs
- ritual of divination to see rightful king
- all of Ireland except Ulstermen
- bull feast -->Lugaid Réoderg (red stripe)
- conceived by 3 brotehrs raping their sister
- triple conception motif -- 2 stripes divide body to 3rds
- §25, 26 -- tecosca -- teachings / precepts
- well-known genre -- speculum principus (prince's mirror)
- how to be an ideal king
- originally thought as interpolation irrelevant to story, but now thought relevant.
- §28 -- Ó C. analysis
- story is a tryptic
- Ireland's historic past, p. 156, desr. by Emer (arise p. 164-5)
- OW as described by Loeg
- Conditions necessary for a golden age in human world
- prov. kings meeting to elec. king vs. force
- bull feast/prophesy
- CC instr. to king after has knowle. of OW
- OW as source of rightous kingship
- WW ensure golden age of peace and plenty in Ireland.
- OW -- mist / snow
- obscure / distort
- ordin -- human perception distorted
- CC between wives
- Why Lugaid need CC help?
- symbioltic relationship between OW and HW.
- true in later folklore of Ireland
- OW Queen needs human midwife
- Labraid and CC as shadows of eachother
- Labraid = he speaks
- articulation of ideals that make ideal world in human realm
- Lí Ban
- beauty
- splendor of form
- color white
Exile -- p. 257- long history
- 8th c. - earliest redaction
- continued to be retold t.o. Irish literature
- one of 3 sorrows of storytelling
- Is it only a sad story or something more in the tale?
- Ulsterman assembled
- Fedilmid's wife present, etc.
- wife pregnant, as goes to bed, child screams and is heard in court
- men's reaction
- Senchae
- roaring roar
- druid -- Cathub
- after born
- prophesies of druids will come true
- Ulstermen
- Conchubar
- One day, p. 260 -- fate sign
- Noísiu just like that
- has 2 brothers, inseparatble, function as one
- music considered magical
- happy
- sad
- forget
- magical singing, 1/3rd more milk
- like triple deities in iconography
- p. 260 -- cattle talk
- bull of the province = king
- 2 ears of shame and mockery -- p. 261
- 1 way poets got people to comply was to grab their ears and rub between fingertips until red
- e. 10th c allusion to this
- D. putting N. under constraints that he can't get out of.
- p. 261 -- won't be disgraced by turning her down
- conflict of interest -- Conchuber/D.
- leave E. Macha, eventually go to Albu
- p. 262, can come back
- guarantors -- Fergus, Dubthach, C's son Cormac
- if renig, guarantors lose honor/standing in society
- Fergus derailed by invitations to feasts and banquets
- had geis -- could not refuse hospitality in certain circumstances
- So N. and 2 brothers were killed by Conchuber's machinations
- Fergus informed
- C's son killed
- sets fire to E.M.
- goes into exile -- dishonored
- raid and destroy for next 16 years
- Year after N's death
- finale
- what hate most? You and Éogan
- idea -- alt. Conch. & Éogan, 1 year each for rest of life
- p. 267 -- eye of a ewe between 2 rams
- Máire Herbert
- sovereignty myth
- betrayed by love or heroic ethos?
- submit to lover or influence her own destiny?
- separates verse from prose
- story mediated through ethos of Christianity
- verse is post-Christian
- kind of verse -- quatrains of exact syllable count
- inherited Irish verse not of this sort
- beginning around 6-7th centuries
- new kind of verse < Latin hymn meters
- similarly with highly styleized rhythmic prose passages
- in poetry find Christian view of women
- in poem
- p. 258
- C. prophesy -- because of you this will happen
- p. 264
- N's grave now been made -- D. accepting responsibility for things happening
- Christian mediation of events of original story
- What was the original story about?
- exemp. on kingship
- right to spare, wrong to keep for self, isolate, unsocialize
- Is N. doing the right thing? Negl. obl. of loyalty to Conch.
- heifer where no bulls, suggest no bull of province, sov. still has choice
- goddesses' choice, not king keeping
- Conch. choosing her
- shee chooses younger person
- p. 18-19 in article
- complementarity between nature and culture
- neither dominates other
- also between sexes
- -->balance in society for good kingship / sovereignty
- tale
- myth of sov. -- sov. goddess
- idea mediated by church by adding verse voices
- med. patriarchal Christian view
- p. 261 -- last time N. speaks in this story
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