Celtic Paganism | 
Gods and Goddesses of IrelandLebor Gabála- Leabhar Ghabála Érenn
- /v/ /v/
- Book of the taking
- Book of Invastions
- A number of recensions exist -- versions compiled at different times by different scribes.
- Known to exist by the 8th century
- Nennious — 800 AD
- Historia Britorum
- outline of text ~ 800
- elaborated over time
- By 12th centurey, 1150, Leinister
- Course pack
- 1916 version
- every single word is translated
- literal translation
- Idea of the taking of Ireland
- How Gaels came into possession of the land.
- Attempt to show how they came to Ireland, what they found there, who was there before them.
- Monastic literati — Irish Christian monks
- pseudo historians
- trying to sort out various histories of those in Ireland before the Gaels
History- In pre-Christian Ireland, time is a cyclical thing.
- The history the Irish scribes knew was as written down the the church fathers
- linear time
- creation, fall, the further away we move from the fall, the worse things are
- they had no creation-fall-creation cycle of the Celtic tradition
- Jerome Iucibius
- parallel history
- History of the Jews, Greeks, Trojans
- Where were the Irish?
- The scribes took traditions and put them into a linear structure, unraveling the skeen of history and setting it out as several events.
- Connected the native geneologies to Biblical one
- Semitic, Hametic
- Gomer — ancester of the Gaels
Aithech = unfree- All who came to Ireland descended from the unfree
- This validates that the Gaels are entitled to Ireland
- The are teh descendents of the free.
- We can see the outlines of a ntive cosmogeny
- how the wold came into being
Cessair- 1st to inhabit Ireland
- daughter of Bith, son of Noah
- 1st inhabitand of Ireland was a womn
- 3 poetic names for Ireland depicted as women who represent the land
- Cessair is the one who comes 1st
- Another version
1st ageComing to Ireland makes a clean break with the God of the New Testiment- Marks them as 'pagans'
- Cessair — take idol
- Consulted seers
- neither sin or evil in Ireland
- free from rep.
- safe fromtohe flood
50 women, 3 men- 16 for Lathra
- Complained that he only got 16, but dies anyway of a surfit of women
- 17 for Bith the father
- Lathra's 16 are split up and given to him and Fintan, giveing them 25 each.
- Bith eventually dies, too
- 17 for Fintan the consort
- After Bith dies, he's got all 50
- He leaves and cessair dies of grief
- Fintan survives and is consulted in the future
- seen as a salmon, eagle, or hawk.
- Fintan = the ancient white/pure/holy one
Cessair and the companies of women take Ireland for the 1st time- Later, fairy mounds (sídh)
- some mounds are inhabited entirely by women
- Posedonius speaks of a sanctuary of women
- women of special, even piestly ability, well known.
Partholan- 278 years after the flood
- Came from native land
- Killed his mother and father so his brother could take over
- Bunch of 1sts
- 1st building, mill, cauldron, churning, ale.
- §24 & 25
- Culture established
- land takes shape
- Now people in Ireland are all men and establish different kinds of things
- Is this a hint that power was taken away from women?
- Female idea of sovereignty
- Dominated by women/goddess?
- Later invested by males?
- Why no impact of the cosmogeny?
- Middle age mysogyny?
- Monks taking it away?
- Cultural activities
- Also, adultry 1st committed, p. 37 §26
- Partholan went out fishing
- wife and attendent left behind
- Partholan comes back
- spirit tells him what's happened.
- Drinking tube
- transaction between two
- §38
- He: trouble, evil
- She: 1st verdict in Ireland. I deserve recons.
- You inflicted unjustness
- "It's your fault"
- The right of his wife against Parthelan
- Nature — examples.
- Partholan is having none of this
- smacks her dog and kills it
- 1st jealousy
Partholan fights vs the Fomhoire- Fomoraig (Fomorians)
- Chthonic people
- spring up out of the earth
- belong to the soil, earth, land
- give trouble to all who come to land
- singularity
- 1 armed
- 1 eyed
- 1 legged
- half of what ordinary mortals are like