CMtCL Project | 
June 2004 Broadcast: The Welsh Underground Music Orgy The Welsh Underground Music Orgy aired on Thursday, June 3rd, at 12 midnight, Eastern Daylight Time (UT - 5) and provided 12 hours of musical coverage. Description: Not as well known perhaps in this part of the world, but there is a thriving Welsh underground music scene that combines elements from the world soundscape. We will meet Steffan Cravos, a man of many hats. As Steffan he's editor of Brechdan Tywod, a Welsh-language zine; as DJ Lambchop he's a cut, scratch, and mix turntablist; and as MC Sleifar he's a founding member of Tystion, a Welsh hip-hop band. In his spare time he runs the label Fitamin Un. Join us as we enter the world of the Welsh underground music scene -- Welsh hip hop, rap, dub, drum and base, tecno, and electronic experimental music. You'll hear the music of Tystion, Pep Le Pew, Trawsfynydd Lo-Fi Liberation Front, Continuous Sound Labordy Swn Cont., to name a few, as well as artists from such labels as Fitamin Un, Ankstmusik, R-Bennig, Sain, Ffarout.com, and others. Playlist for June 2004 Broadcast