Tempest Tableau #14

1Space, Time, and the MotionsClap Your Hands and DieDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
2Space, Time, and the MotionsBessie the CowDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
3Space, Time, and the MotionsReality's a Bad HabitDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
4Space, Time, and the MotionsSchemaDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
5Space, Time, and the MotionsWhat Is Now?Do You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
6Space, Time, and the MotionsReality CheckDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
7Space, Time, and the MotionsBreak a MagnetDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
8Space, Time, and the MotionsDo the Red ShiftDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
9Space, Time, and the MotionsImaginationDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
10Space, Time, and the MotionsSpace, Time, and MotionDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
11Space, Time, and the MotionsOops, the Universe PoppedDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
12Space, Time, and the MotionsThis Isn't ProperDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
13Space, Time, and the MotionsBreak a MagnetDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
14Space, Time, and the MotionsGuitarDo You Wave to Aristotle as You Pass Him on the Street? 
15Space, Time, and the MotionsThe Key to LoveFor Want of Plenty 
16Space, Time, and the MotionsSchemaFor Want of Plenty 
17Space, Time, and the MotionsFun at the DairyFor Want of Plenty 
18Space, Time, and the MotionsWhat Is Now?For Want of Plenty 
19Space, Time, and the MotionsReality's a Bad HabitFor Want of Plenty 
20The Creatures2nd FloorAnima AnimusInstinct Records
21ClannadÉirigh is Cuir Ort Do Chuid Éadaigh CóiriúDulamanShanachie
22b.o.y.Who can you trust?1999K'nini Records
23Hal-an-TowDiougan Gwench'lanSongs of the Six Celtic NationsLyrichord
24Karan CaseyRoger the MillerSonglinesShanachie
25SeventeenPorno GetawayRansom Your HandsomeRisky Music
26Various ArtistsAirdí CuainDaiganFflach Tradd
27Cocteau Twinsfeathers-oar-bladesBBC SessionsRyko
28TarkanSimarikölürüm sanaIstanbul Plak
29Altered ImagesPinky BlueThe Best of Altered ImagesSony Music Entertainment, Inc.
30Kate BushPull Out the PinThe DreamingEMI America Records, Inc.
31The Dead MilkmenMethodist Coloring BookMetaphysical GraffitiEnigma
32Shudder to ThinkLies about the SkyShudder to Think EPSony Music Entertainment, Inc.
Last Modified:Thursday, April 4, 2002,©2002

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